
Mission statement:  
To provide information on how to get tangibly involved in the fight against human trafficking.


U.S. for Abolition was born out of a need for information.  Several years ago when I first heard about modern-day slavery I started asking, "What can I do to help?"  Though my feet were ready to walk and my hands were ready to serve, the answer I kept getting was "Awareness".  This answer was frustrating and vague at best as I was already doing all I could to raise awareness - even perfect strangers were hearing about human trafficking from me!  And speaking about it was not alone going to change the fact of trafficking.  What I wanted was something solid - tangible information about how I could be actively involved in the fight against human trafficking. Since I was encountering others with the same frustration I decided to gather as much information as I could and make it available on the internet.

So that's what this blog is: a place where you can find information on how to be involved in the fight against human trafficking.  My focus is mainly on the United States and mainly in the realm of sex-trafficking, but from time to time I will touch on the other areas of traffcking too. (And some means of help, like becoming a social worker, can cross over into all areas of trafficking.)  If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me at usforaboltion@gmail.com and I will do what I can to help.

Also, please take a minute to visit my preparation and disclaimer pages before viewing the rest of the website. 

Thanks for being concerned about this issue!  Together we can make a difference.

- R.A.